Zawawi Colas LLC

Engineering, Construction & Contracting

Active since 1965

100 Years in Business

Zawawi Colas LLC, formally known as (Tarmac Zawawi LLC) has been active in Oman since 1965, it is an associate company of Tarmac Group in the UK (a subsidiary of Anglo American Plc) which has been involved in the quarrying and asphalt industry for over 100 years.

Helping Oman Progress

It was formed to take over the asphalt division of Zawawi Colas LLC. From roads and highways to bridges and runways the specialized expertise of this company has lent a helping hand to the progress of Oman in many ways throughout the years.

Zawawi Colas LLC
Zawawi Colas LLC

Zawawi Colas LLC

PO Box 314, Azaiba,
Postal Code 130,
Sultanate of Oman

Specialised Asphalt Contractor


$160 million

Asphalt Plants

Asphalt Plants



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In Engineering, Construction & Contracting Sector